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  • Wild video shows mob ransack California 7-Eleven while clerks desperately try to defend store

Wild video shows mob ransack California 7-Eleven while clerks desperately try to defend store

A mob of California teens stormed, attacked and robbed a 7-Eleven in a violent rampage as an employee hopelessly tried to fight them off.

A mob of California teens stormed, attacked and robbed a 7-Eleven in a violent rampage as an employee hopelessly tried to fight them off. 

In a video posted on Instagram, an aggressive group of teenagers - mostly boys - pulled at the convenience stores doors as an employee frantically attempted to stop them. 

But the mob made their way into the Anaheim store using forceful and violent tactics. The employee was eventually hit in the stomach by one of the boys and as he collapsed to the ground in pain - and the mob poured inside the store. 

The clerk grabbed a broomstick to use to defend himself and the establishment.  

As one of boys, wearing a grey sweatshirt, was seen threatening and fighting the employee while the rest of the group destroyed and robbed the store.

Two teenage boys with face coverings pulled open the 7-Elevens doors while the clerk tried not to let them in

Two teenage boys with face coverings pulled open the 7-Elevens doors while the clerk tried not to let them in

The stores clerk screamed in pain after being attacked by the violent group of teens

The stores clerk screamed in pain after being attacked by the violent group of teens 

The store clerk tried using a broomstick as a weapon to keep the teens out of the 7-Eleven

The store clerk tried using a broomstick as a weapon to keep the teens out of the 7-Eleven 

One aggressor ripped the display of lighters from the counter. Shelves were knocked over and group members climbed on the counter, leaving the store in an unrecognizable condition. 

After taking too many hits, the employee appears to admit defeat as he walked away from the group. He was left with a bloody nose. 

While leaving the store, the teens are each seen holding armfuls of chips, cases of beer and other items. They seemed joyful after they left the 7-Eleven destroyed and the employee in pain. 

Most of them had their faces covered with hoodies or masks. At least one girl was seen in the video. She was recording as the boys wrecked havoc.  

The ransack-robbery happened at around 1.30am on Sunday, according to KTLA

Unruly teens stormed out of the convenience store after wrecking it and stealing items

Unruly teens stormed out of the convenience store after wrecking it and stealing items 

The culprits climbed  on the counter while rampaging through the store

The culprits climbed  on the counter while rampaging through the store

One of the robbers left the store with a smile on his face and his arms filled with bags of chips

One of the robbers left the store with a smile on his face and his arms filled with bags of chips 

But this is not an isolated incident. 

Between July 12 and September 20, there were 14 different robberies across 10 Los Angeles 7-Elevens. 

Police said that 13 of these robberies occurred on Friday nights, according to a Los Angeles Police Department statement.  

Footage of over 40 teens mobbing 7-Elevens was released, prompting disappointed parents to turn in their children into the police

A teen seen holding cases of stolen beer while leaving the 7-Eleven

A teen seen holding cases of stolen beer while leaving the 7-Eleven

The store clerk held up a broom stick to try and scare the teens away

The store clerk held up a broom stick to try and scare the teens away 

The LAPD wrote: In several incidents, the witnesses were physically pushed by the suspects during the criminal take-over of the stores, with no regard for others safety.

Although there are no reported physical injuries, several witnesses continue to fear for their safety after such aggressive and callous criminal behavior.

Police are working on identifying the culprits. 

The Anaheim 7-Eleven robbed on Sunday is one of many that have been targeted throughout California since June

The Anaheim 7-Eleven robbed on Sunday is one of many that have been targeted throughout California since June 

They are very brazen, they are not worried about being stopped and theyre not worries about being seen, LAPD Detective Supervisor Samuel Arnold said.

He added: Theyre not even just shoplifting. Theyre going in and deliberately knocking over expensive items, coffee makers, merchandise, sunglasses, and just completely destroying the store.

The teens began these attacks right after free Slurpee day on June 11. The Retail Crime Task Force is still investigating the situation and asks anyone with more information to come forward. 

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