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  • Missing wheelchair-bound mother was found dead under a pile of rubbish in a garden, inquest told

Missing wheelchair-bound mother was found dead under a pile of rubbish in a garden, inquest told

A mother who suddenly disappeared has been found dead under a pile of rubbish in a garden, an inquest heard.

A mother who suddenly disappeared has been found dead under a pile of rubbish in a garden, an inquest heard.

Kelly Louise Randall, 45, was last seen on May 3, 2022, and her partner reported her missing two days later on May 5.

Police launched a missing person search and enquiries into Ms Randalls whereabouts began.

She was found to be a low-risk missing person despite being a wheelchair user due to a previous leg amputation.

Almost a week later after going missing, her risk level was upgraded to a medium which prompted officers to search her home, in Swansea, checking local hospitals and review CCTV footage.

Kelly Louise Randall, 45, had been missing for more than 10 days when she was found dead

Kelly Louise Randall, 45, had been missing for more than 10 days when she was found dead

More concentrated searches started at a property where her wheelchair was found

More concentrated searches started at a property where her wheelchair was found

Her body was later found under a large pile of rubbish at the back of the Welsh property

Her body was later found under a large pile of rubbish at the back of the Welsh property

More concentrated searches started at a property in Clas y Deri, in the Waunarlwydd area of Swansea after the 45-year-olds wheelchair was found at the property, the Sun reports.

Homeowner Alfred Millman, allowed officers into his property where they found a wheelchair in one of the bedrooms as well as blood stains on a jumper, mattress, bed sheet, and bedframe. 

They also found a large pile of debris at the back of the property as well as clothing, a trainer and what seemed to be a human arm.

Ms Randalls body was finally found and officers arrested a man on suspicion of murder.

The inquest heard how the mother had a history of drug addiction and was on medication at the time of her death. 

She had been known to self harm and was suffering from the depression.

A statement read out at the inquest by her partner of 25 years said the couple would use heroin and Valium.

On the last day she was seen she was taken to Morriston Hospital by paramedics after falling from her wheelchair.

The inquest heard that day she spoke about taking her own life and about throwing herself from her wheelchair in front of cars.

Ms Randalls body was finally found and officers arrested Mr Millman on suspicion of murder

Ms Randalls body was finally found and officers arrested Mr Millman on suspicion of murder

The inquest heard how the mother had a history of drug addiction and was on medication

The inquest heard how the mother had a history of drug addiction and was on medication

Forensic pathologist Dr John Williams said in his opinion the cause of death was unascertained

Forensic pathologist Dr John Williams said in his opinion the cause of death was unascertained

Forensic pathologist Dr John Williams said he could not be certain as to when exactly Ms Randall died, explaining the decomposition suggested she died before May 16, 2022 but that it could have happened on the day she was last seen or in the days that followed.

A post-mortem examination showed Ms Randall did not have any skull fractures, no bleeding around the brain, as well as no evidence of a stroke, heart attack, or trauma to the head.

A toxicology report found alcohol in her blood at 128mg per 100ml - the legal drink-drive limit being 80mg. 

Other substances in her blood included cannabis, amphetamine, morphine, diazepam, and pregabalin.

Dr Williams said he could not exclude the possibility that these substances together could have had a sedative effect or that they played a significant role in Ms Randalls death.

He added there were no pathological findings that her death is necessarily due to forced injury by another person but said that he could not prove that her death is the result of drug toxicity. 

Due to this, Dr Williams said in his opinion the cause of death was unascertained.

Citing the evidence given by Dr Williams assistant coroner Mr Gruffydd recorded an open conclusion.

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