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  • Met Police officers felt in danger and worried Chris Kaba was going to break out moments before marksman fatally shot him, court told

Met Police officers felt in danger and worried Chris Kaba was going to break out moments before marksman fatally shot him, court told

Colleagues of the firearms officer accused of murdering Chris Kaba thought f*** hes going to break out and said they felt in danger as six police cars surrounded the motorist, a court heard.

Colleagues of the firearms officer accused of murdering Chris Kaba thought f*** hes going to break out and said they felt in danger as six police cars surrounded the motorist, a court heard.

Mr Kaba was trying to escape when Martyn Blake, 40, opened fire in Streatham Hill, southwest London, on the evening of 5 September 2022.

Blake, who was known by the cypher NX121, has denied murdering Mr Kaba after he fired a single shot through the windscreen of the 24-year-olds Audi.

The car had been followed and blocked in by six police BMW X5 SUVs and Mr Kaba drove forwards to get away but was not moving the car when he was shot in the head, the Old Bailey heard.

Mr Kabas Audi Q8 had been stopped because police recognised the number plate as one involved in a shooting outside a school in Brixton the night before.

Police colleagues of Martyn Blacke, accused of murdering Chris Kaba (seen), told court they felt in danger before the motorist was shot in September 2022

Police colleagues of Martyn Blacke, accused of murdering Chris Kaba (seen), told court they felt in danger before the motorist was shot in September 2022

Dashcam footage shows officers trailing Mr Kaba after they recognised his Audis number plate as one involved in a shooting outside a school in Brixton the night before

Dashcam footage shows officers trailing Mr Kaba after they recognised his Audis number plate as one involved in a shooting outside a school in Brixton the night before

Mr Kaba was shot when he had been surrounded by six police BMW X5s in Streatham Hill, southwest London

Mr Kaba was shot when he had been surrounded by six police BMW X5s in Streatham Hill, southwest London

A Met Police officer, known as P99, was a navigator in the Charlie BMW which arrived at the scene.

Dashcam footage shows P99 running towards the Audi, before turning back towards his motor because he was worried Mr Kaba would escape, jurors heard.

In his statement after the operation, P99 wrote: I thought, f*** hes going to break out.

Giving evidence the officer explained: At that point there are a number of officers out of their vehicles, deployed around the Audi, so my assessment was, what if we need to get back in a pursuit.

At that point, I turned back towards the vehicle, and I wouldnt have done that if I did not think the break out was a possibility.

Another Met Police firearms officer, known as NX137, was a navigator in the Bravo BMW which pulled up behind Mr Kabas Audi, jurors heard.

Bodycam footage showed the officer running towards the Audi as it attempted to drive between two vehicles.

He squeezed himself behind the Audi but feared he could be crushed.

NX137 said: I did feel in danger, unfortunately I had to put myself in that position, it was unknown if there was a firearm threat in the vehicle.

I was not actively thinking I could be crushed between the cars, although it felt as though it might be a possibility.

I did feel I was in danger in that position but its a position I had to be in.

Helen Lumuanganu, the mother of Chris Kaba, was visibly distraught and was seen being comforted by a female companion as she arrived at the Old Bailey on October 2

Helen Lumuanganu, the mother of Chris Kaba, was visibly distraught and was seen being comforted by a female companion as she arrived at the Old Bailey on October 2

Prosper, the father of Chris Kaba, arrives outside the Old Bailey last week

Prosper, the father of Chris Kaba, arrives outside the Old Bailey last week

Blake, 40, has denied murdering Mr Kaba after he fired a single shot through the windscreen of the 24-year-olds Audi Q8

Blake, 40, has denied murdering Mr Kaba after he fired a single shot through the windscreen of the 24-year-olds Audi Q8

The officer was asked why he had only smashed the back window of the vehicle.

I wasnt able to get up to the drivers window because of where the vehicle had rammed itself between the other vehicles, the back window was the furthest I could get.

The armed officers are not being named publicly and are giving evidence in court behind a green curtain.

Mr Kabas mother Helen Lumuanganu and two other family members were in court today.

The trial before Mr Justice Goss continues.

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