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  • Man is arrested after being accused of carrying out disturbing act at Melbourne Airport

Man is arrested after being accused of carrying out disturbing act at Melbourne Airport

A Melbourne man faces court for allegedly broadcasting fake mayday calls to commercial planes at Melbourne Airport.

A Melbourne man faces court for allegedly broadcasting fake mayday calls to commercial planes at Melbourne Airport.

The alleged offending happened during a two-month period.

Australian Federal Police Detective Superintendent Simone Butcher said these offences are extremely serious.

The 45-year-old was arrested after police searched his home in Melbournes northeast on Saturday.

Australian Federal Police seized four handheld radios and associated equipment allegedly used to transmit the interference, including two mobile phones with recordings of chants and mayday messages.

In September, police were alerted to the incidents by the Australian Communications Media Authority, which had come across someone using unauthorised access to aviation radio networks to broadcast chants and false mayday recordings, AFP said in a statement.

Investigators linked the man to the offending and his home was searched on Saturday.

After the arrest and seizures, he was charged with three alleged offences - one under the Crimes (Aviation) Act and two under the Radiocommunications Act.

A 45-year-old man has been arrested by Australian Federal Police after allegedly making fake mayday calls at Melbourne Airport (pictured) over a two-month period

A 45-year-old man has been arrested by Australian Federal Police after allegedly making fake mayday calls at Melbourne Airport (pictured) over a two-month period 

The AFP searched his home and seized four handheld radios and associated equipment allegedly used to transmit the calls for commercial flights (stock image)

The AFP searched his home and seized four handheld radios and associated equipment allegedly used to transmit the calls for commercial flights (stock image)

The most serious of his charges carries a maximum 20-year term of imprisonment.

He faces allegations of radio transmission capable of prejudicing the safe operation of an aircraft, with the intention of prejudicing the safe operation of that aircraft, as well as operating a radio device otherwise than as authorised by an apparatus licence. The third charge is using a transmitter that interfered with radio communications in a way that was prejudicial to the safe operation of an aircraft.

Superintendent Butcher said aviation security was critical and the appropriate procedures, processes and systems were in place to ensure the safety of aviation operations across the country.

Anyone who attempts to compromise the safety of the travelling public, through false or unauthorised access to its operations and equipment, will be caught and brought before the courts, she said.

The 45-year-old man appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court on Monday afternoon.

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