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  • EXCLUSIVEInside dating app predators sickening book of horrors: Vile boasts of misogynist who preyed on women are finally exposed

EXCLUSIVEInside dating app predators sickening book of horrors: Vile boasts of misogynist who preyed on women are finally exposed

EXCLUSIVE A dating app creep boasted about having sexual intercourse with 14-year-old girls in a sordid pick-up guidebook and memoir that can only now be exposed after this publication defeated his legal secrecy bid.


A dating app creep boasted about having sexual intercourse with 14-year-old girls in a sordid pick-up guidebook and memoir that can only now be exposed after this publication defeated his legal secrecy bid.

Four women came forward to Daily Mail Australia for a story last November that exposed how electrical engineer Anton Smolin erupted with furious abuse when they cancelled or changed arrangements made with him on Hinge. 

Smolin, 43, was then an associate director of a Sydney engineering firm. 

After the story was published, he denied making a series of appalling statements to women - such as just f*** off, you fat stupid pig and youre such a stupid, lying b**** - and sued for defamation in the NSW District Court. 

But the doomed lawsuit has now backfired spectacularly

Daily Mail Australia can now reveal the sickening contents of a confessional self-help book published by Smolin, titled Seduction Chronicles of a Psychopath, after an interim non-publication order he sought on its contents was lifted.

In the book, Smolin describes how he de-virginised three girls aged 14 and 15 in Brisbane and weighs the odds of his being charged with rape for having sex with an unconscious Lithuanian woman.  

The book also includes a call to lower the age of consent and advice on how men can overcome last minute resistance from women. 

Discussing the latter scenario, Smolin writes, There is nothing in my rulebook about not f***ing a b**ch that I hooked up with, who just happened to pass out before giving consent.

The material within is so troubling a copy will be given to police to investigate whether Smolin has admitted committing serious criminal offences. 

The book features an Excel spreadsheet of women with whom Smolin claims to have had sex - including their names, ages, ratings of their attractiveness and prowess, and his age at the time. 

It also shows images of naked and semi-naked women, some of whom appear to be unconscious, suggesting the photographs were taken without their knowledge or consent. 

Sexual predator Anton Smolin has lost his last-ditch attempt to keep secret the contents of a memoir in which he boasts about having intercourse with 14-year-old girls. Smolin is pictured

Judge: Book is a crime

Smolin initially claimed in court that Daily Mail Australia had destroyed his reputation and caused him to be sacked from his job by wrongly portraying him as a psychopath, sexual predator and misogynist. 

But as soon as it became clear the book he wrote would be part of the case, Smolin capitulated and consented to a judgment being made against him, as well as paying costs estimated to have reached six figures. 

Last Thursday, Judge Judith Gibson made a formal finding in Daily Mail Australias favour but extended an interim non-publication order over the full contents of the book.

That order expired at 5pm on Monday, allowing publication of the most explicit material in Smolins 305-page instructional manual.   

Judge Gibson also granted an application made by lawyers acting for this publication to hand the book over to NSW and Queensland Police for investigation into possible criminal conduct by Smolin.

Barrister Nicholas Olson, acting for Daily Mail Australia and instructed by Mark OBrien Legal, had argued in court the book itself is a crime, arguably.

Judge Gibson agreed the book itself is a crime in that it publishes material about child abuse but said Smolin had gone even further.

Its not just admissions, hes boasting about it, she said. 

Anton Smolins graphic guidebook, Seduction Chronicles of a Psychopath, includes a call to lower the age of consent and advice on how to overcome last minute resistance from women

Smolin: The following stories are all true 

The book, self-published in June 2014 and sold on Amazon, was described by Smolin on the Goodreads website as offering some fundamental concepts and theory of modern-day seduction.

Smolin calls himself a psychopath with almost no empathy or moral and ethical standards of any kind.

The following stories are all true, he writes in the books preface. 

The people described are real; their names are also real... The photos are real... All photos displayed have been taken by the author.

This is not fiction... Unlike fiction writers I did not make up stuff in order to shock people. I just write it how it is in real life.

Smolin goes on to argue for lowering the age of consent - which in Australian states and territories is 16 or 17 - by describing current laws as outdated.

Smolin describes how he de-virginised three girls aged 14 and 15 in Brisbane and weighs the odds of being charged with rape for having sex with an unconscious Lithuanian woman

Smolin describes how he de-virginised three girls aged 14 and 15 in Brisbane and weighs the odds of being charged with rape for having sex with an unconscious Lithuanian woman

There are lots of girls losing their virginity at the age of 14 and 15, he writes. I know this because I have de-virginised three of them, back when I was very young and still a student.

The books spreadsheet of Smolins sexual encounters lists a 14-year-old girl he describes as a f*** buddy who was incredibly stupid and annoying.

Seduction Chronicles of a Psychopath by Anton Smolin was available on Amazon

Seduction Chronicles of a Psychopath by Anton Smolin was available on Amazon 

Another 14-year-old one-night stand was a really dumb and fat but compliant, while a 15-year-old was attractive, hot body and beautiful a**.

Each of the three was from Brisbane and a virgin school girl, while Smolin was 21.

Mr Olson said of Smolin rating the teenagers sexual ability, Its highly degrading about an adult but in relation to a minor its quite appalling. 

In addition to Smolin seemingly admitting to having had sex with minors, Daily Mail Australias lawyers were concerned descriptions of those acts might amount to producing child abuse material. 

Last minute resistance 

Smolin writes about what he calls the concept of last-minute resistance, or LMR, which he defined as when a girl realises she is about to have sex, freaks out and tries to stop the seduction process.

He recalls breath-testing a woman in Brisbane - I keep a professional breathalyser in my car - and, after she blew 0.07, driving her to his place so she could sober up.

[The woman] was hesitant at first as she knew the rendezvous with the one-eyed serpent was imminent, but agreed in the end, he writes.

Last minute resistance in the form of pathetic attempts to keep her clothes on; and soon enough a register entry was created: #68, [womans name], 6/10, 26yo.

Mr Olson said Smolins definition of last-minute resistance was nothing other than the refusal or withdrawal of consent to intercourse.

Mr Smolin, in my submission, admits to numerous occasions in the book where he prevails upon women to have sex despite "last-minute resistance", as he calls it, he told the court.

That is, at least arguably, sexual assault. 

Smolins image was being last year on the Scarlet Blue Independent Escorts Australia website last year to promote the services of a male prostitute (above)

Smolins image was being last year on the Scarlet Blue Independent Escorts Australia website last year to promote the services of a male prostitute (above)

In another passage, Smolin writes about taking an intoxicated woman in her early 20s back to a Brisbane hotel room with his friend. 

Unless we get the pig back to the hotel right now, she will sober and already our chances of a gangbang will drop to almost 0%, he writes.

Smolin gets the really drunk woman on a bed and he and his friend perform various sex acts upon her.

The pig is surprised and outraged, he writes. She begins objecting and complaining. However we just ignore her and keep going. This was just a bit of LMR that quickly passes. 

Mr Olson: Its very explicit as an admission of forcing a woman to have sexual intercourse in company. 

Judge Gibson: Its a gang bang. 

WhatsApp messages between Smolin and a woman who cancelled a date with him
I am not single, Smolin wrote. I have a roster and get laid at least twice a week

Seduction Chronicles of a Psychopath was uncovered after Smolin sued Daily Mail Australia over a story published last year. Four women had come forward to describe Smolin erupting with furious abuse when they cancelled dates with him

I weigh up the pros and cons of raping 

Many of what Smolin refers to as conquests take place in Eastern Europe and he recounts liaisons with women he refers to as targets in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia and Ukraine. 

One of the most concerning scenes takes place in Lithuania where Smolin meets two heavily intoxicated women, one of whom he rates a 7/10. 

Smolin writes of that woman: She has no idea what the f*** is going on, talks incomprehensibly, falls over constantly, drops items she is holding and generally acts like a raging idiot.

I will probably still f*** the 7 while she is unconscious, which would technically be classified as rape... I weigh up the pros and cons of raping the completely wasted hoe.

Smolin concludes that in this scenario the risks are outweighed by the rewards. 

I oppose violence but there is nothing in my rulebook about not f***king a b**ch I hooked up with, who just happened to pass out before giving consent, he writes.

In my opinion, consent is implied in situations like this, even though by law it is not.

In my view, if you bought tickets to the show and dont show up, the show proceeds without you. You can get told about what happened the next day.

Mr Olson: The tenor of the book is its an advice or self-help book, and theres passages all through it which read like an instructional manual. 

Smolin told one woman who decided against meeting up, Just f**k off, you stupid fat pig, and told another who declined a second date, Youre such a stupid, lying b***h

Smolin told one woman who decided against meeting up, Just f**k off, you stupid fat pig, and told another who declined a second date, Youre such a stupid, lying b***h

Among the photographs of naked and semi-naked women is one of a sleeping subject in Latvia, and another taken in Brisbane.

The Brisbane picture is captioned: After sex, [the woman] passes out... I take this opportunity to gather some pimping evidence (photos) using my crappy mobile phone camera.

In the book, Smolin writes of his seduction method that a key component of the strategy is to keep her boozed at all times… get her wasted and pull the c**k. 

Mr Olsen submitted while the book was published in 2014, there is every reason to think this is an ongoing course of conduct. 

A summary of Smolins sexual exploits in Australia and overseas is still being promoted online as including an orgy with a toothless grandma and the gang bang of a blindfolded and tied-up girl. 

Smolin has continued to deny having written Chronicles of a Psychopath despite it featuring his name, phone number, email address and photograph.

The book was obtained through a subpoena issued to Smolins former employer, Erbas & Associates engineering consultants, which stood him down after seeing the original story about his abuse of women on dating apps.

Before Smolin parted ways with Erbas he had asked the company to wipe his work computer hard drive, which it did, after making a copy of all his stored documents. 

Smolin was found guilty in January of using a mobile phone to menace, harass or offend at Sutherland in Sydneys south in February last year.  

He sought to have the matter annulled at Downing Centre Local Court in March but  after abandoning that application was convicted and put on a $500 two-year good behaviour bond. 

Since Smolin commenced his defamation action it has emerged his image was being used on the Scarlet Blue Independent Escorts Australia website last year to promote the services of a male sex worker. 

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