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  • EXCLUSIVEDonald Trump privately admitted he lost to Joe Biden just days after the 2020 election but kept insisting to Americans he won, documentary Stopping the Steal claims

EXCLUSIVEDonald Trump privately admitted he lost to Joe Biden just days after the 2020 election but kept insisting to Americans he won, documentary Stopping the Steal claims

Donald Trump admitted that he lost the 2020 election in the days after the vote took place, a new documentary claims.

Donald Trump admitted that he lost the 2020 election in the days after the vote took place, a new documentary claims.

Stopping the Steal says the former president was watching Joe Biden on TV while in the White House when he said: Can you believe I lost to this f**king guy?

The claim in the documentary, by director Dan Reed, will likely cause fresh embarrassment for Trump, who became embroiled in an argument earlier this month for admitting he lost in 2020.

Trump said in early September that Biden beat him by a whisker, sparking desertions from his MAGA supporters and a sharp U-turn from the former president.

Stopping the Steal, which is out on Tuesday on HBO, describes the events leading up to the January 6 insurrection at a time when Trumps allies are trying to move on from it due to the election on November 5.

Donald Trump during a speech very late on election night 2020 claimed to be the victim of election fraud. Frankly, we did win this election, he claimed

Donald Trump during a speech very late on election night 2020 claimed to be the victim of election fraud. Frankly, we did win this election, he claimed

Stopping the Steal, which is out on Tuesday on HBO , describes the events leading up to the January 6 insurrection

The film includes stinging criticism of Trump from his Attorney General Bill Barr who says the former presidents conduct that day was despicable.

In a brutal put-down, Barr says that when he saw the fringe lawyers Trump turned to after losing the election, he thought they looked like a barroom scene from Star Wars.

Reeds previous films include Finding Neverland, the bombshell documentary about Michael Jackson, and The Truth vs Alex Jones about the defamation trials brought against the Infowars host that led to a $1.5 billion judgment against him.

This time, Reed focuses on Trumps refusal to admit defeat in 2020 and the event which led to a mob of his supporters storming the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Among those interviewed in Stopping the Steal is Alyssa Farah Griffith, the Trump White House director of strategic communications.

She says it was a very odd time when a sitting president loses an election but did not concede and called the result a fraud.

In the documentary, she says: My office is just right around the corner from the Oval Office.

I remember popping my head in and hes (Trump) watching Fox News and Joe Bidens on and he says: "Can you believe I lost to this effing guy?"

Alyssa Farah Griffith, the Trump White House director of strategic communications, claimed Trump told her Can you believe I lost to this effing guy?

Alyssa Farah Griffith, the Trump White House director of strategic communications, claimed Trump told her Can you believe I lost to this effing guy?

Farah Griffith did not give an exact date for when Trump said this, but in the timeline of the film it appears to have been within a few days of the vote

Farah Griffith did not give an exact date for when Trump said this, but in the timeline of the film it appears to have been within a few days of the vote

Farah Griffith did not give an exact date for when Trump said this, but in the timeline of the film it appears to have been within a few days of the vote.

Trump repeatedly denied he lost in 2020 but earlier this month told podcaster Lex Fridman that Biden beat us by a whisker, adding that it was a terrible thing.

The documentary debuts on HBO Max on Tuesday

The documentary debuts on HBO Max on Tuesday

His comments sparked fury among hardcore Trump supporters including white nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes.

Fuentes ranted on his podcast: So, why did we do Stop the Steal? Why did anyone go to January 6? Why did any one go to jail?

He said Trump should have made his admission publicly before 1,600 people got charged with crimes related to the insurrection.

Fuentes accused Trump of a tremendous betrayal and a callous indifference to the sacrifices that his supporters made on his behalf.

Following the uproar, Trump claimed his comments were meant sarcastically and that he didnt lose.

Stopping the Steal includes vivid descriptions of election night in 2020 from people like Stephanie Grisham, the Trump White House communications director.

She says that by 2am when Fox News called Arizona for Biden and it looked like he was going to win, the White House was a mess.

Trump repeatedly denied he lost in 2020 but earlier this month told podcaster Lex Fridman that Biden beat us by a whisker

Trump repeatedly denied he lost in 2020 but earlier this month told podcaster Lex Fridman that Biden beat us by a whisker

The documentary focuses on Trumps refusal to admit defeat in 2020 and the event which led to a mob of his supporters storming the US Capitol on January 6, 2021

The documentary focuses on Trumps refusal to admit defeat in 2020 and the event which led to a mob of his supporters storming the US Capitol on January 6, 2021

Grisham says: The president was standing in the middle of this crowd of people and it was just chaos

Everyones yelling, Trumps waving a piece of paper in his hand, hes very angry. When hes pissed you dont want to even get in his line of vision.

All of a sudden it was like a light switch, everybody started heading downstairs for him to speak.

Trump claimed in his speech he had been the victim of fraud, and said: Frankly, we did win this election.

Grisham says: When he started down that road of "frankly we won" I was devastated.

I was so disappointed in my president. I thought how could you do this to the country and leave everyone hanging like this. I started to cry, I was pissed.

Stopping the Steal includes vivid descriptions of election night in 2020 from people including Stephanie Grisham, the Trump White House communications director

Stopping the Steal includes vivid descriptions of election night in 2020 from people including Stephanie Grisham, the Trump White House communications director

Grisham said she was devastated when Trump declared on election night that he was the victim of fraud

Grisham said she was devastated when Trump declared on election night that he was the victim of fraud

Barr describes Trumps comments as very dangerous, one of many blunt comments about his former boss.

In the weeks following the election Barr investigated dozens of Trumps increasingly outlandish claims of fraud but couldnt find any evidence to back them up.

Barr told Trump it was bulls**t but Trump ignored him and turned to people like Sidney Powell and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, who both indulged in baseless conspiracy theories about communist plots from Venezuela.

During a notorious meeting at the White House in December 2020, Powell, Trump and others discussed using the military to seize voting machines.

Looking around at the people Trump was associating with, Barr tells the documentary they were so outlandish that they looked like a barroom scene from Star Wars.

Barr also describes Trumps fury after he put out a statement saying that he couldnt find any evidence of election fraud.

I went down to the Oval Office, the president was as mad as Ive ever seen him, he says.

The film includes stinging criticism of Trump from his Attorney General Bill Barr who says the former presidents conduct that day was despicable

The film includes stinging criticism of Trump from his Attorney General Bill Barr who says the former presidents conduct that day was despicable

Barr describes Trumps comments as very dangerous, one of many blunt comments about his former boss

Barr describes Trumps comments as very dangerous, one of many blunt comments about his former boss

He was flushed, he was breathing heavily. He said why did you say this?

I said because its the truth. He said: "You pulled the rug out from under me, this is killing me. You must hate Trump".

(I said) I dont hate you Mr President... you wheeled out this clown car, you wasted five or six weeks on this bulls**t theory. People just shoveling this s**t out to the American people.

With a laugh, Barr, who quit soon after the meeting, adds that Trump was very resentful.

Turning to January 6 itself, Barr says he is completely outraged by the fact Trump watched events unfold on TV for two hours but did nothing.

I felt he did precipitate the whole affair, that was outrageous, Barr says.

According to Barr, Trumps pressure campaign on his Vice President, Mike Pence, to stop the certification of the vote in Congress was despicable.

The presidents behavior was a betrayal of his supporters. What he did was irresponsible and shameful, he says.

Among the others to criticize Trump is Rusty Bowers, the former speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives.

Among the others to criticize Trump is Rusty Bowers, the former speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives

Bowers gave evidence to the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol alongside Georgia officials Brad Raffensperger and Gabe Sterling

Bowers gave evidence to the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol alongside Georgia officials Brad Raffensperger and Gabe Sterling

He recalled being called by Trump and Giuliani, who was working as Trumps personal lawyer at the time, who asked to reject the vote that showed Biden winning the state narrowly.

When Bowers asked Giuliani for proof he said he would get it to him - but it never came.

Recounting the conversation, Bowers says: The dude (Rudy) is straight up asking me to throw the election.

Bowers refused and was subjected to an onslaught of abuse and threats from Trump supporters, who turned up at his home and called him a pedophile.

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