Driver is caught drunk after stopping her 160mph Porsche for comfort break in Cheshire
A young businesswoman was stopped for drink-driving in her 160mph Porsche after she found herself caught short 125 miles from home.
A young businesswoman was stopped for drink-driving in her 160mph Porsche after she found herself caught short 125 miles from home.
Lucy Mustard, 27, tested more than twice the alcohol limit when she was reported to police in Macclesfield, Cheshire as she was looking for a suitable place to take a comfort break.
When quizzed Mustard, who lives with her parents in the village of Islip, near Kettering, Northamptonshire, said she tried to use the ladies lavatory at a garage but found it closed. She said she was in desperate need of relief. It is not known why she was in Cheshire.
At Crewe magistrates court Mustard who according to Companies House worked in the IT sector admitted drink driving and was banned from driving for 19 months. Her mother Karen, a university lecturer, was in court to support her.
The incident occurred on February 28 this year when police were alerted to Mustards Panamera D V6 Tiptronic car as it was being driven along the Silk Road in Macclesfield.
Miss Diana Przemecka, prosecuting, said: A report was made to police by a member of the public that a driver was driving their vehicle erratically. Police subsequently located that vehicle and it was caused to stop. The defendant was the driver and was asked to provide a sample of breath for a roadside breath test and she complied with that request.
The result of the roadside sample was 84 micrograms of alcohol per 100 millitres of breath. Subsequently the defendant was cautioned and arrested and transported to custody where the full evidential breath testing procedure commenced.
The defendant complied with the procedure and provided two evidential breath samples, the lower reading being 79mg. Prior to entering a guilty plea today, the defendant had no previous convictions on her record.

Lucy Mustard, 27, tested more than twice the alcohol limit when she was reported to police in Macclesfield, Cheshire as she was looking for a suitable place to take a comfort break

When quizzed Mustard, who lives with her parents in the village of Islip, near Kettering, Northamptonshire, said she tried to use the ladies lavatory at a garage but found it closed

She was stopped for drink-driving in her 160mph Porsche after she found herself caught short 125 miles from home
The alcohol limit for driving is 35mg in breath.
In mitigation Mustards barrister Miss Lisa Judge said: There is no evidence before this court of any form of erratic driving. The arresting officer who conducted the roadside procedure made absolutely no mention of erratic driving when she was following the defendant.
She had gone to use the facilities at a local garage close to where she was stopped. Those facilities were closed however and due to a desperate need she attempted to go nearby for relief and as a result of that a call was made.
Miss Judge added: Lucy Mustard comes before you with a hitherto unblemished character and in attendance with her is her mother.
One of the reasons why Miss Mustard is before the court is because of the stress and anxiety that she has been subjected to for a protracted period of time.
She was feeling certainly pressured by the level of work she was subjected to but was continuing to pursue that on a normal basis and has not sought assistance. She was just trying to get through it.
She then received notification that her brother was seriously injured and needed surgical procedures, thereafter requiring home care. Being committed to the family, she did just that. Then she got a call to say that her mother had broken her back and that her mother requires home care. Lucy Mustard responded and did step up to the mark to assist the family to attend to their care.
She currently commutes between London and Northampton to care for her mother and brother. That care continues to this day.

At Crewe magistrates court Mustard was banned from driving for 19 months

Mustard was also fined £621 with £333 in costs and a victim surcharge
Miss Judge said that Mustard was also dealing with the fallout of a relationship that had ended.
She added: The young man became emotionally involved to such an extent that he began to harass her which caused her considerable upset, but of course that is no excuse for getting into a motor vehicle and driving with that level of alcohol.
You are dealing with a young lady who normally has extremely good judgement. But on this particular occasion not. The guilty plea indicated not only her remorse but also her shame. From her letter she has indicated the remorse and shame that she feels.
Her parents live in a remote area and all the locals have come to know what happened. The shame rests heavy on her.
You are dealing with no previous convictions, you are dealing with palpable remorse, you are dealing a young lady who is working full time and caring for her family. For a woman under so much significant stress you are entitled to take into account her relatively young years and the fact that she is of hitherto unblemished character.
Mustard was also fined £621 with £333 in costs and a victim surcharge. She was offered a place on the drink drive awareness course which if completed will reduce her ban by a quarter.
JP Annie Walford said: We could have considered a community penalty but you have no offending history, there was no accident and there is no evidence of bad driving.