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  • British troops are missing out on essential training exercises as training sites across the country are being set aside for Ukrainian forces, spending watchdog warns

British troops are missing out on essential training exercises as training sites across the country are being set aside for Ukrainian forces, spending watchdog warns

British troops are missing out on essential exercises because training sites across the country are being set aside for Ukrainian forces.

British troops are missing out on essential exercises because training sites across the country are being set aside for Ukrainian forces.

More than a quarter of the Armys facilities have been rendered out of bounds for UK soldiers after defence chiefs prioritised the training of Volodymyr Zelenskys personnel.

Last night, the National Audit Office (NAO) warned of the consequences of large numbers of British personnel missing out.

The NAO found occasions when UK soldiers had seen their courses cancelled had risen eightfold in 2023 compared to previous years.

The watchdog concluded the Ukraine training mission is constraining the Armys capability to train its own soldiers.

British troops are missing out on essential exercises because training sites across the country are being set aside for Ukrainian forces (pictured: Ukrainian soldiers take part in urban training at a military training camp in Yorkshire in February 2023)

British troops are missing out on essential exercises because training sites across the country are being set aside for Ukrainian forces (pictured: Ukrainian soldiers take part in urban training at a military training camp in Yorkshire in February 2023)

More than a quarter of the Armys facilities have been rendered out of bounds for UK soldiers after defence chiefs prioritised the training of Volodymyr Zelenskys (pictured) personnel

More than a quarter of the Armys facilities have been rendered out of bounds for UK soldiers after defence chiefs prioritised the training of Volodymyr Zelenskys (pictured) personnel

Last night, a senior Army source told the Mail this policy could lead to British troops suffering skill-fade should it continue indefinitely.

The NAOs alarming report comes after the Mail revealed how other UK military training courses are being cancelled to save money.

The scaling back of training has been ordered so defence chiefs can afford a pay-rise for troops - costing £400 million - from existing budgets.

The Mail has exposed these cutbacks as part of its Dont Leave Britain Defenceless campaign.

In another concerning move, Defence Secretary John Healey has pledged his ministry will do its bit to meet Treasury savings targets.ukr

The UKs training of Ukrainian recruits is called Op Interflex. It will remain a strategic priority for this country for as long as the Russian occupation lasts.

Last night, a senior Army source told the Mail: We know the priority lies in eastern Ukraine where the Ukrainians are outnumbered and outgunned.

Op Interflex has been a huge success, training 42,050 of their soldiers since the invasion, but the need to train British soldiers must not be forgotten.

Training budgets are being slashed this year, which is not sustainable. We cannot let skill-fade take hold, we have to put the time in, and invest in training, to maintain standards.

UK trainers began instructing Ukrainian soldiers in 2015, as part of an agreement between the countries following Russias invasion of Crimea the previous year.

Back then, such initiatives were intended to act as a deterrent against further Kremlin forays into Ukrainian territory.

Op Orbital, as it was known then, resulted in 22,000 Ukrainians being trained.

Following the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the training mission has expanded beyond recognition.

Ukrainian soldiers take part in a casualty simulation training exercise in southern England, on August 22, 2024

Ukrainian soldiers take part in a casualty simulation training exercise in southern England, on August 22, 2024

Ukrainian soldiers participate in a casualty simulation training exercise operated by Britains armed forces, as part of the Interflex programme, in southern England, on August 22, 2024

Ukrainian soldiers participate in a casualty simulation training exercise operated by Britains armed forces, as part of the Interflex programme, in southern England, on August 22, 2024

In the last two years tens of thousands of Ukrainians have been trained at locations such as Salisbury Plain - which would otherwise be used by British troops for their exercises.

The Ukrainians undertake a five-week basic soldiering course and specialist medical and engineering courses.

Intensive instruction is also provided so Ukrainian personnel can use the weaponry donated by the UK and to maintain vehicles such as the 14 Challenger II tanks provided by Britain.

The UK tops the table of NATO allies in providing training for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskys forces.

But the NAO warned: As the Ministry of Defence considers its future support for Ukraine, it will need to continue to balance Ukraines needs and the UKs strategic interests with the need to maintain the UKs own military capabilities, through maintaining equipment stocks and sufficient training provision for UK forces.

The UK government has committed £7.8 billion to military support for Ukraine to date. The UK is also one of the leading donors to Ukraine, alongside the US and Germany.

The UK is providing both lethal and non-lethal weaponry, including tanks, air defence systems and long-range precision strike missiles.

Training of Ukrainian forces in the UK is scheduled to continue through 2024 and throughout 2025.

Last night, the MOD said: All UK forces have access to the relevant training required to be held at readiness to protect the UK and meet our NATO commitments.

But we welcome the NAOs report, which recognises Ukrainian troops are better prepared to defend their country that the UK providing training.

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