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  • British mother is horrified by Dubai hotel guests disgusting poolside habit

British mother is horrified by Dubai hotel guests disgusting poolside habit

A British mother holidaying in Dubai has described her horror at another hotel guests disguising poolside habit.

A British mother holidaying in Dubai has described her horror at another hotel guests disguising poolside habit.

TikTok user itsakatylife shared her disgust after watching a grown man cutting his nails by a public pool before scooping them all off the towel and onto the floor.

I need to know what you would do in this situation, she told her 9,000 followers to mixed responses.

How am I so shocked by the nature of some people? she said. Please tell me Im not the only one totally disgusted by this.

Followers chimed in with shocking anecdotes of similar experiences, one saying it happened to me on a bus in Glasgow and another claiming she had even once seen a woman clipping her nails at a restaurant.

The mother said she heard a familiar clicking while soaking up the sun in Dubai

The mother said she heard a familiar clicking while soaking up the sun in Dubai

Katy shared the post on TikTok on August 29 with her 9,000 followers - but her uncomfortable retelling of her experience saw the post viewed over 100,000 times.

Im sitting at the pool, watching the kids living their best life, she told her followers, painting a picture of the scene.

Im sitting here minding my own business, right, and I can hear this clicking.

And Im like, "I know what sound that is. Please dont let it be true right next to where im sitting..."

I know exactly what the sound is: Some dirty pig is cutting their toenails about 15ft away from me.

A man - a grown man! - is cutting his toenails by the pool.

Katy grimaces towards the camera. 

How am I so shocked by the nature of some people? she asks herself.

And the worst thing is that when he finished he just scooped them all off the towel onto the floor.

Please tell me Im not the only one totally disgusted by this.

Surely cutting your toenails is a private thing. Dont do it by a public pool.

Katys message was heard by others with similar experiences, who took to the comments section to share their stories.

One user wrote: It happened to me on the tube. The girl was sitting right next to me filing her nails and putting nail varnish on.

Another said: I was on a bus and a women started picking dead skin off her feet and flicking on the floor, what the hell is wrong with people.

Lisa Jones said: My ex used to clip and eat them. 

And Lulu added: That’s nothing, I’m currently in Dubai and saw a lady sat on the side of the pool picking the dead skin off her heel and then sprinkled it in the water like it was cheese on a jacket potato! 

Others empathised with Katys own plight from a sun-lounger in Dubai.

Why would you choose to do it round the pool and NOT in your room?! I’d be raging!!!! rudette5 said. 

Oh no that’s just wrong on so many levels. Some people eh, said another. 

I know what that sound is... Please dont let it be true right next to where I am sitting, she said

I know what that sound is... Please dont let it be true right next to where I am sitting, she said

That is filthy ignorant behaviour. also definitely something you do in private, user Georgie Hoskyn weighed in. 

Even though your hotel looks lovely through the reflection of your sunglasses. Get a villa and avoid all of this.

Not all were fully convinced.

User Adi chimed in: So what. Katy replied: Yep so what!! 

Another user said: I’ve plucked my eyebrows on a sunbed but that’s my limit!! That’s just to save time later in the room.

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