One of Osama bin Ladens sons has taken over as al-Qaeda boss and poses a new jihadi terror threat to Britain, experts have warned - despite claims he was killed in a 2019 US air strike

The supposedly dead son of 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden is commanding al-Qaeda and is determined to wreak havoc in the West, as new intelligence shows how he survived CIA attempts to kill him in 2019.

The supposedly dead son of 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden is commanding al-Qaeda and is determined to wreak havoc in the West, as new intelligence shows how he survived CIA attempts to kill him in 2019. 

Claims that Hamza Bin Laden, known as the Crown Prince of Terror, is alive and secretly running the terror organisation responsible for multiple terror attacks, including the deadly September 11, 2001 tragedy, are worsened by intelligence reports that his brother Abdullah is also connected with the terror group.

A report seen by the Mirror says:  Hamza bin Laden is not only alive but actively involved in al-Qaedas resurgence, a fact well-known among senior Taliban leaders. These leaders... engage with him, holding regular meetings and securing him and his family. It highlights a deep connection between al-Qaeda and the Taliban, one that is crucial for Western governments to understand. [Hamza] has ascended to the leadership of al-Qaeda, steering [it] towards its most potent resurgence since the Iraq War.

The report also says that under Hamzas command, who is determined to continue his fathers legacy, al-Qaeda is regrouping and preparing future attacks on the West. 

According to Former Chief of UK Forces Col Richard Kemp, Hamza appears to have an open field in Afghanistan and will be intent on conquest and vengeance for his father. 

The supposedly dead son of 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden, Hamza (pictured) is commanding al-Qaeda, a new report shows

The supposedly dead son of 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden, Hamza (pictured) is commanding al-Qaeda, a new report shows 

Osama bin Laden born March 10, 1957. member of the prominent Saudi bin Laden family and the founder of the Islamic extremist organization al-Qaeda, best known for the September 11 attacks on the United States and numerous other mass-casualty attacks against civilian and military targets

Osama bin Laden born March 10, 1957. member of the prominent Saudi bin Laden family and the founder of the Islamic extremist organization al-Qaeda, best known for the September 11 attacks on the United States and numerous other mass-casualty attacks against civilian and military targets

The extremist group carried out the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, which left nearly 3,000 dead

The extremist group carried out the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, which left nearly 3,000 dead

Another report, also seen by the Mirror, says that fighters and suicide bombers are being trained in camps in Afghanistan in order to carry out terror attacks on the West. 

Around 21 terror networks are believed to be operating in the Taliban-run state currently, sparking fears of another possible 9/11 style attack.

One camp is thought to be in the Helmand Province, where UK troops were based while fighting the Taliban. The other military-style training barracks are in Ghazni, Laghman, Parwan, Uruzgan, Zabul, Nangarhar, Nuristan, Badghis and Kunar. This poses a threat to countries like Britain and the US due to their military involvement there, according to the Mirror. 

It is also thought that Hamza, thought to be in his 30s, has received support from Afghan warlord Sirajuddin Haqqani. 

These claims follow on from a 2022 a UN report warned that al-Qaeda was enjoying a safe haven in Afghanistan under the Taliban, with experts saying that the country could become a base for international terrorist attacks once again. 

It is also believed that Hamza and his four wives have been hiding out in Iran since 2019, following an attempt to assassinate him.

In 2019, then US President Donald Trump had confirmed that Hamza had been struck in a US operation in south east Afghanistan, but no DNA proof was ever obtained by the CIA.  He had been officially designated by the US as a global terrorist, with US authorities affirming that he carried forward the radical jihadist ambitions of his deceased father. 

Hamza bin Laden as a child
Osama bin Laden

Hamza bin Laden (left as a child) is the son of deceased former Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden (right) who is believed to have groomed him to take over the terror group

According to the US Department of Justice, in the lead up to 2019, Hamza had released audio and video messages on the Internet, calling on his followers to launch attacks against the West. 

He also threatened attacks against the US in revenge for the May 2011 killing of his father by SEAL Team 6 inside a compound in Pakistan.

Hamza bin Ladens last known public statement was released by Al-Qaedas media arm in 2018, in which he called for followers in Saudi Arabia to rise in revolt against the monarchy.

Hamza bin Laden is married to a daughter of Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah, an Al-Qaeda senior leader who was indicted and charged by a federal grand jury in November 1998 for his role in the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya.

A video of Hamza’s wedding was found in Osama bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound and released by the CIA in 2017.

As leader of al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and others plotted the attacks of September 11, 2001. US Navy SEALs killed him in a raid on a house in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in 2011.


Abdullah bin Laden

Abdullah bin Laden

Saad bin Laden

Saad bin Laden

Children with first wife Najwa, 59

Abdullah bin Laden, aged 43 

Abdul Rahman bin Laden, aged 41  

Saad bin Laden, died aged 30 in an American drone strike in Pakistan in 2009

Omar bin Laden, aged 38, married British-born Jane Felix-Browne in 2006 after they reportedly met while horseback riding in Egypt. In 2008 Jane said Omar wanted to be an ambassador of peace between Muslims and the West

Mohammed bin Laden, aged 36

Osman bin Laden, aged 36 

Fatima bin Laden, aged 32 

Laden bin Laden, aged 30 

Iman bin Laden, aged 29

Rukhaiya bint Laden, aged 22 

Nour bin Laden, aged 20 

Omar bin Laden with his former British wife Jane Felix-Browne in 2008

Omar bin Laden with his former British wife Jane Felix-Browne in 2008

Wife Khadijah Sharif, 71

Ali bin Laden, aged 33 

Amer bin Laden, aged 29 

Aisha bin Laden, aged 27  

Wife Khairiah Sabar, 69 

Khalid bin Laden

Khalid bin Laden

Hamza bin Laden, aged 30 

Wife Siham Sabar, age unknown

Miriam bin Laden, aged 29  

Sumaiya bint Laden, aged 27 

Khalid bin Laden, who was killed aged 23 in the SEAL Team 6 raid with his father in 2011

Wife Amal al-Sadah, 36

Safiyah bin Laden, aged 18 

Aasiah bin Laden, aged 16 

Ibrahim bin Laden, aged 15 

Zainab bin Laden, aged 13 

Hussein bin Laden, aged 11

Hussein, Zainab and Ibrahim, three of the five children he had while on the run

Hussein, Zainab and Ibrahim, three of the five children he had while on the run

Источник: Daily Online

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