I’ve been catching Sydney buses for years… but was left stunned when the driver refused to let me and my daughter on one day because of a rule

A father has been left infuriated after a bus driver didnt let his daughter on because she wasnt wasnt in a pram.

A father has been left infuriated after a bus driver didnt let his daughter on because she wasnt wasnt in a pram.

Graham Cooke was taking his two-year-old daughter Katie to childcare from their home in Newtown, in Sydneys Inner West, before starting work on Wednesday.

The pair had no issue riding the 370 bus for the better part of the past year until the driver asked how young the toddler was.

Mr Cooke claimed the driver told him that Katie wouldnt be allowed onto the bus because it was against the rules for a toddler to be on board without a stroller.

He continued by claiming that the rule was for all children under the age of three, and that he wouldnt be driving the bus with them.

The driver then told the pair they were holding the rest of the commuters up and to get off and find another way of getting to childcare. 

However, the upset dad checked the rules for riding with toddlers on Transport NSWs website and found nothing requiring him to put Katie in a stroller.

Mr Cooke could do nothing to convince the driver though and the pair were forced off the bus and to wait for the next one - having no issues getting on board.

Sydneysider Graham Cooke has been left infuriated after a bus driver refused him and his two-year-old daughter Katie (both pictured) from getting on a bus because of a fake rule

Sydneysider Graham Cooke has been left infuriated after a bus driver refused him and his two-year-old daughter Katie (both pictured) from getting on a bus because of a fake rule

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The infuriated dad said it was a really unpleasant experience which left his daughter upset and needling a cuddle to calm her down.

She loves saying hello to bus drivers. She tends to kind of charm everybody around and make it a pretty lovely experience, Mr Cooke told Yahoo.

So it was a very unpleasant start to the day, and he was very aggressive and dogmatic about his view.

Mr Cooke reached out to Transport NSW for clarity on the rule and the drivers behaviour, only to receive an apology from the department.

He said it appeared that the drivers claim was completely not a rule enforced by Transport NSW, adding it would be inconvenient for parents.

Mr Cooke noted a lot of daycares dont allow parents to bring a stroller and leave it there, meaning they would have to take it back home with them on public transport.

He warned other parents to know their rights while travelling on public transport with their young kids.

You cant be kicked off a bus just because you dont have a stroller, if youre happy enough carrying or holding your toddler, Mr Cooke said.

The driver of the 370 (stock image) said any children under the age of three-years-old have to be strapped into a stroller, which does not appear on Transport NSWs website

The driver of the 370 (stock image) said any children under the age of three-years-old have to be strapped into a stroller, which does not appear on Transport NSWs website

A Transport NSW spokesman said passengers can choose whether to sit with their children on a seat, on their lap or strapped into a pram if there is space. 

All of our accessible buses have specific areas for prams and wheelchairs near the front of the bus, which will allow children to remain in the pram while on board if required, he said. 

In that case, the front of the pram must be facing towards the back of the bus and be in firm contact with the panel, or bar behind it.

Youll need to fold your pram or stroller and store it in the luggage rack if there is not enough space on board the bus to safely park the pram, or if the driver asks you to.

In that case, youll need to seat the children in your care with you as it is not safe to stand and carry a child while a bus is moving.

Источник: Daily Online

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