EXCLUSIVEDon't take away our freedoms! MailOnline asks the public what they REALLY think about Keir Starmer's pub plans - from banning outdoor smoking to shrinking the pint

Furious pubgoers have slammed plans to cut opening hours, ban smoking in pub gardens and reduce the size of a pint to two-thirds servings.

Furious pubgoers have slammed plans to cut opening hours, ban smoking in pub gardens and reduce the size of a pint to two-thirds servings. 

In a bid to boost the nations health and tackle anti-social behaviour, the government is looking at overhauling licensing laws to make pubs shut earlier and prevent people from smoking in the venues outdoor areas. 

Nightclub smoking zones, restaurant terraces and even shisha bars could all have their right to light up axed in plans by Keir Starmers Labour government, a leaked report revealed. 

Meanwhile, leading scientists want to do away with the traditional pint-sized beer in favour of smaller servings - with 12 pubs already testing out the new size for four weeks. 

As a nation of drinkers could lose out on Britains traditional pub life as we know it, MailOnline talks to furious customers about the new proposals. 

 What do YOU think? Email katherine.lawton@mailonline.co.uk  

Londoner Linden Tucker said people should have the freedom to smoke outdoors if they want to, and worried about the impact the proposals will have on local businesses

Londoner Linden Tucker said people should have the freedom to smoke outdoors if they want to, and worried about the impact the proposals will have on local businesses 

Will Corbet, a student at Kings College London, completely disagreed with the new plans, while drinking a pint at his local with friends

Will Corbet, a student at Kings College London, completely disagreed with the new plans, while drinking a pint at his local with friends 

One woman, who spent years running a pub with her late husband, called the plans a terrible tragedy

One woman, who spent years running a pub with her late husband, called the plans a terrible tragedy 

Chris Winterflood said the new proposals would break Britains traditions and would not have a significant impact on peoples health

Chris Winterflood said the new proposals would break Britains traditions and would not have a significant impact on peoples health

Chris Winterflood said the new proposals would break Britains traditions without having a significant impact on peoples health. 

On the smoking ban, he told MailOnline: There are so few places where people can smoke outdoors now, and it will just damage the pub trade, I think, and it wont make a great deal of difference to peoples health. 

On the idea to make the size of a pint smaller, Chris said: Thats not right at all, because its traditional isnt it. Pubs are traditional kinds of places and I think we should keep it the same. 

The government proposals were recently referred to as nanny state plans due their tightening of peoples fun and freedom. 

Londoner Linden Tucker said people should have the right to smoke outdoors if they want to, and worried about the impact the proposals will have on local businesses. 

Its going to affect the pubs themselves isnt it. Smaller businesses are going to lose trade, theyre going to crumble, he said. 

Its your choice to smoke in an outside area. Theyve banned it from inside and a lot of people have agreed with that, but banning it from outside as well and being told you cant do anything at all, in your own right. 

The plan to ban smoking comes under a bill that was first introduced by Rishi Sunak to phase out all smoking. However, the Kings Speech made no mention of an outdoor ban.

Brits will still be allowed to smoke in their own homes and large open spaces, like streets and parks. 

Advocating for peoples freedom, Linden added: People need to socialise at what times they want. Some people finish work late, then they want to go and relax a little bit before they go home. 

Will Corbet, a student at Kings College London, completely disagreed with the new plans, while drinking a pint in his local with friends. 

I completely disagree with them. I think it takes away peoples freedom. I think people should be allowed freedom, he told MailOnline. 

A student at Kings College London also disagreed with the proposals, saying she had friends who would be annoyed by them

A student at Kings College London also disagreed with the proposals, saying she had friends who would be annoyed by them 

John Smith, of London, said he thinks the proposals are a bad thing, adding: It doesnt sound very good to me

John Smith, of London, said he thinks the proposals are a bad thing, adding: It doesnt sound very good to me 

I completely disagree with [the smoking ban], because why would you do that. I am a smoker. 

On closing pubs earlier, Will said: Thats unfortunate. Its nice having a nice late night pub night. I am a student, Im at Kings. I would get to the pub at about 9pm maybe. 

Public health minister Andrew Gwynne said yesterday that the government is considering tightening up the hours of operation of pubs and bars in a bid to improve health and tackle anti-social behaviour. 

The MP insisted Labour is not the fun police, claiming the measures would be driven by moral and economic arguments. 

But a Department for Health spokesman said: This is categorically untrue. 

One woman in London, who spent years running a pub with her late husband, said: I was born in a pub, and I ran a pub with my late husband for quite a few years. I think its a terrible tragedy. 

Banning smoking, that doesnt bother me quite so much because I dont like it, but I understand that it is all part of it - somebody has a drink and they might want to smoke. Its all related isnt it. 

John Smith, of London, said he thinks the proposals are a bad thing, adding: It doesnt sound very good to me. 

I think theyll probably get away with it, people accept it, but I do think its a bad thing. 

Some pubs should be allowed to stay open as long as they like really. But I can understand if they want to close early they would. A lot of pubs dont get any business after a certain time at night.

One man sat on a bench by London Bridge said pubs are part of the community and should not be changed, adding that he thinks the rules have gone too far.  

Another student at Kings College London also disagreed with the plans

Another student at Kings College London also disagreed with the plans

One man sat on a bench by London Bridge said pubs are a part of the community and should not be changed, adding that he thinks the rules have gone too far

One man sat on a bench by London Bridge said pubs are a part of the community and should not be changed, adding that he thinks the rules have gone too far 

Its terrible. Its part of the community and we need as much time in the pub as possible, he told MailOnline. 

Its getting ridiculous. Its a stupid idea really. I cant see the point of it. A pint is a pint - its always been a pint. 

I think theyve gone too far. I think you should have a designated area where you can smoke. 

The report on smoking bans also mentioned vape-free zones, although it was unclear whether the ban could also include e-cigarettes. 

Slamming the move, Reform UK leader Nigel Farage predicted last month: It will be the end of pubs.

A recent impact assessment found that banning smoking outdoors could cost jobs and force even more pubs to close, it was reported. 

It could spell the end of the shisha bar industry in the UK, which held more than 500 national locations in 2022.

And the policy could leave devastation in its wake for the hospitality industry - with a 2020 government release explicitly warning that banning cigarettes in pub gardens could lead to significant closures and job losses.

LabourRishi SunakKeir Starmer
Источник: Daily Online

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