Car salesman, 24, killed his female colleague passenger when his BMW smashed into 26-tonne truck at nearly 100mph, court hears

A car sales executive killed his female colleague when he lost control of his BMW at nearly 100mph and smashed head on into 26-tonne truck, a court heard.

A car sales executive killed his female colleague when he lost control of his BMW at nearly 100mph and smashed head on into 26-tonne truck, a court heard.

Dash-cam footage of the crash showed 24-year-old Ivan Zailacs powerful BMW 340D colliding with the lorry at well over double the speed limit.

Stephanie Nye-Diroyan, 21, was pronounced dead at the scene just under two hours after the collision in Enfield, north London, at 7.54pm on 23 October 2022, the Old Bailey heard.

The pair were colleagues at second-hand car dealership Big Motoring World.

Another colleague was FaceTiming them at the moment of impact and heard a scream before connection was lost, jurors heard.

A reconstruction showed the car was travelling at 98mph when it slid across the road at a blind corner in wet conditions. 

Judge Sarah Munro told jurors Zailac had been ruled unfit to stand trial so they have to decide whether Zailac did the act alleged.

Zailac is charged with caused death by dangerous driving. 

Dash-cam footage of the crash showed 24-year-old Ivan Zailacs (pictured) powerful BMW 340D colliding with the lorry at well over double the speed limit

Dash-cam footage of the crash showed 24-year-old Ivan Zailacs (pictured) powerful BMW 340D colliding with the lorry at well over double the speed limit

Stephanie Nye-Diroyan, 21, was pronounced dead at the scene just under two hours after the collision in Enfield, north London

Stephanie Nye-Diroyan, 21, was pronounced dead at the scene just under two hours after the collision in Enfield, north London

Frederick Hookway, prosecuting, said: It is alleged that this defendant drove a BMW, an M340D, at approximately 98mph on Mollison Avenue, an A-road in north London that has a speed limit of 40mph.

And it is alleged that due to the speed and manner of his driving he lost control of that vehicle, causing it to crash into an oncoming lorry that was driving in the opposite direction.

Stephanie Nye-Diyoran at the time was in the front passenger seat.

She was caused death by serious injury due to the collision between the vehicle and the lorry, and despite the attention and efforts of emergency services, she was tragically pronounced dead the scene.

Mr Hookway said lorry driver Andre Allen had one passenger with him.

Their route started at a depot in Enfield, the destination was Covent Garden.

The route took them southbound along Mollison Avenue. The road has a single carriageway in each direction and a speed limit of 40mph.

The incident itself happened on a corner of that road.

The lorry driver, he described it as a blind corner where you are unable to see what is coming in the other direction due to an incline in the road and change in direction.

He also remembered that the conditions that night were dark and wet.

As he came around the corner in the lorry, he saw a grey car coming in the other direction - it was coming at some speed and initially it was in the correct lane for oncoming traffic, but as it came around the corner Mr Allen watched it slide, as he described it, into his lane.

It continued to slide until it collided with the front of his lorry, the point of collision being towards the drivers side of the HGV.

A reconstruction showed the car was travelling at 98mph when it slid across the road at a blind corner in wet conditions

A reconstruction showed the car was travelling at 98mph when it slid across the road at a blind corner in wet conditions

Mr Allen thought he was driving at around 20-25mph, so well within the speed limit, and he had braked his lorry when he first saw this car.

Based on data from the airbag module in the defendants BMW, the collision happened at 19.54pm, so six minutes to eight in the evening.

The prosecutor said using a combination of dash-cam footage, data recorded by the airbag module and witness evidence, a collision investigator had put together a reconstruction.

The BMW had partly and then wholly crossed the white lines in the middle of the road, said Mr Hookway.

Jurors heard Zailac was driving at 98mph before the collision, representing something well over double the applicable speed limit for that road.

Following the crash Ms Nye-Diroyan was initially able to respond to the lorry driver by nodding her head, Mr Hookway said.

But her condition deteriorated and despite the best efforts of doctors at the scene, resuscitation efforts failed she was pronounced dead at 21.46pm.

Zailac was taken to the emergency department at Royal London Hospital.

Mr Hookway told jurors: We will invite you to conclude that this (crash) is obviously from the reckless speed at which the vehicle was being driven, a speed wholly unsuitable for the road and the prevailing conditions.

The effect of that driving was the lost of control of the BMW, causing it to collide with Mr Allens lorry, which had the catastrophic effect of causing the death of Stephanie.

The prosecutor said the jury will have to decide whether this defendant did the act, namely whether he drove dangerously and whether, as a result, he caused the death of Stephanie Nye-Diyoran.

Zailac, of Greycote Place, Ruislip, is charged with causing death by dangerous driving.

The trial continues.

Источник: Daily Online

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