Brave teen who survived Georgia school shooter Colt Grays rampage vows to return to campus: Im going back to my normal life

A brave teenager who was shot in the chest, wrist and arm in the Apalachee High School shooting plans to return to campus as soon as she has recovered.

A brave teenager who was shot in the chest, wrist and arm in the Apalachee High School shooting plans to return to campus as soon as she has recovered.

Natalie Griffith will be released from hospital today after undergoing emergency surgery to reconstruct her wrist, which was shattered when her classmate and accused gunman Colt Gray opened fire.

The 14-year-old is excited to return to the school band which she is a part of. 

Natalies mother, Marilda, told her daughter plays the flute and has been doing so since she was in elementary school.

Pictures shared by the family show Natalie doing what she loves, participating in the band during school rallies and sporting events.

She is the bravest little girl that I have ever seen, Marilda said.

Despite being hooked up to machines, Natalie was able to muster a smile

Despite being hooked up to machines, Natalie was able to muster a smile

Gray surrendered to authorities within minutes of allegedly opening fire. The 14-year-old was charged with four felony counts of murder, and will be tried as an adult. If convicted, he faces spending the rest of his life behind bars

Gray surrendered to authorities within minutes of allegedly opening fire. The 14-year-old was charged with four felony counts of murder, and will be tried as an adult. If convicted, he faces spending the rest of his life behind bars

I ask her, Natalie, do you want to change schools? We can probably change schools, sweetie. And she said, No, no, mom. I want to go back to school. I want to go back to the band. I want to go back to my normal life.

Natalie has been recovering in hospital since Wednesday morning, when alleged shooter Gray opened fire in her algebra class.

Her father, Doug told Fox5 that one bullet went through her arm, one across the chest and the most damaging shot is to her wrist.

Photos from inside the hospital room show Natalie resting in her bed, drawing in a notepad while her other arm remainds in a cast

Photos from inside the hospital room show Natalie resting in her bed, drawing in a notepad while her other arm remainds in a cast

Natalies mother, Marilda, told her daughter plays the flute and has been doing so since she was in elementary school

Natalies mother, Marilda, told her daughter plays the flute and has been doing so since she was in elementary school

Pictures shared by the family show Natalie doing what she loves, participating in the band during school rallies and sporting events

Pictures shared by the family show Natalie doing what she loves, participating in the band during school rallies and sporting events

Her spirits have been kept high during recovery by a steady stream of visitors - from friends to teachers. 

Photos from inside the hospital room show Natalie resting in her bed, drawing in a notepad while her other arm remains in a cast. 

Despite being hooked up to machines, Natalie was able to muster a smile.

In a GoFundMe raising money for Natalies continued treatment, a friend of the family said the extensive surgery was required to save part of her arm and hand and included a total reconstruction of her wrist.

The doctors and nurses have been amazing and loving and we know that the road ahead for Natalie and her family is going to be long.

The positivity of Natalie is beyond any words could express despite the situation. 

Everyday at the h

Источник: Daily Online

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