12 funerals a day for people with no family or friends to bury them

Twelve people die every day without family or friends to arrange their funeral, sombre figures show.

Twelve people die every day without family or friends to arrange their funeral, sombre figures show.

There were 4,400 pauper’s funerals carried out in England last year after no loved ones could be identified to pay for them or complete formalities.

And that number is on the rise amid a 13 per cent year-on-year increase, according to the Local Government Association.

Public health funerals (PHFs) are a last resort and arranged by councils only when a person dies without relatives who can be traced or with a family that is unable to cover the fees.

The cost to taxpayers has also risen to £5.96 million last year, up from £5.63 million in 2021/22.

Twelve public health funerals (PHFs) are held every day for people who have no family or friends to bury them, a 13 per cent year-on-year increase (file photo)

Twelve public health funerals (PHFs) are held every day for people who have no family or friends to bury them, a 13 per cent year-on-year increase (file photo)

Local councils have spent a total of £21million on PHFs in the past four years alone (file photo)

Local councils have spent a total of £21million on PHFs in the past four years alone (file photo)

The Local Government Association survey found that 62 per cent of councils in England said the most common reason for a pauper’s funeral in 2022/23 was a lack of loved ones.

Meanwhile, local authorities have spent a total of £21million on PHFs in the past four years.

Heather Kidd, chairman of the LGA’s safer and stronger communities board, said: ‘The rising number of public health funerals is a clear example of how councils are having to do more with less, while also continuing to ensure that the most vulnerable in our society are treated with dignity.’

The survey, based on data from 109 councils, found 84 per cent were familiar with best practices for carrying out PHFs, while only 63 per cent provided information about how to access them.

Источник: Daily Online

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